Cancer screening
We would like to reassure you that the NHS is here for you during the coronavirus pandemic, so if you are worried about any unusual symptoms you may be experiencing that could be cancer, please contact your doctor.
You may be offered a telephone or video consultation instead of a face-to-face one, and you will only be asked to come to your GP practice or go to a hospital if it is safe to do so.
Chances are it is nothing serious, but finding cancer early makes it more treatable.
Cervical screenings
Cervical screenings are still taking place during this time, but we would like to provide reassurance that your local GP practice will be taking additional steps to keep you safe while you get your cervical screening test.
Your nurse will be wearing protective clothing, such as disposable gloves, a mask and an apron.
If you have been invited for your cervical screening test, contact your local GP practice and book your appointment.
Cancer screening for people with learning disabilities
The number of people with learning disabilities going for cancer screenings is too low. If you, or somebody you support, may benefit from a cancer screening, find out more with the video and resources attached below.
The video below provides information for patients, family carers and services which support people with learning disabilities; showing people what cancer is, how screening helps people to get an earlier diagnosis, and how treatment and can save lives.